CC Club
The same experience eliciting vastly different sensations. I often point out to the people that I see how funny it is that the objective nature of our day-to-day life does not change much (hopefully) but how we feel about it does. Or more importantly, how we feel about ourselves.
Whether we feel content or complacent, it creates an effect on our sense of self that can be quite profound. The difference between living the life that feels right and feeling like we aren’t enough.
When we do not feel content, or satisfied, we are often critical of ourselves. But, to be complacent, in the true definition of the word, would mean that we would be uncritical of oneself or our achievements. Semantically speaking, by being critical of ourselves we aren’t complacent. So, congratulations? Semantics and definitions are obviously not enough because the fear of not being enough is so painful. This may answer why the avoidance of being complacent is so enticing. The fear of not being enough serves as a strong motivator. We have to constantly prove to ourselves we are enough or god forbid even relax. Why do we need a prerequisite to relax? When we feel motivated it is often to achieve something. So, do we aim to achieve contentment? The more I think about it, contentment feels like something we allow to happen. Power in the release. Release in striving for this elusive “more”. Isn’t all this fighting is exhausting? When we release, our shoulders sink back, our jaw muscles loosen, and our breathing becomes deeper. When we release, the static in our mind calms and our body relaxes. Doesn’t that sound nice?
With all of this being said, I am not promoting we lay on the couch and ignore when we feel motivated to create or be active. Finding contentment requires trust in ourselves to do what we want and be who we are. When we have the strong urge to get off the couch and act, investigate where this desire is coming from. Each time we investigate, we provide ourselves the opportunity to be honest and act true to ourselves. Let’s stop the fight. It’s okay. I promise.