About Me

Deciding who to share your life story with is a huge decision. If you decide to come speak with me, I do not take that decision lightly. I am passionate about helping people find themselves amidst a world full of influence. Life comes with certain expectations and potential paths. Through the therapeutic process, we can find where the expectations we have of ourselves come from and discover a path forward that is uniquely yours.

Discovering that path is a joyous and painful experience. Unbeknownst to me, the life of the therapist is often spent on this path. You and I come together with all of ourselves and a lot of feelings get stirred up. Two people on their respective journeys converge for an hour a week. What will happen? Nobody knows!

My role is to support you through the pain and when the hopelessness comes knockin, I hold the hope for both of us. I’m here to hold it and let you carry it when you feel ready. Hope really is a beautiful thing.

The pain we feel is right now but what if it is from a wound suffered long ago?  We adapt to these wounds yet live a life in search of anything that will fill the voids they have left. A never-ending quest to find a missing puzzle piece for the soul. The most heartbreaking part is that it was inside of us all along.

Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland said it best, “Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle”. We get drawn to art that portrays something that we desire. Whether that be film, paintings, books, or any other medium. Let’s get curious. Why do we like the things that we do? Why does this specific painting resonate with me? We are able to give energy to the things that we find interesting or admire because what we see is already inside. Let’s turn it around and see what it would feel like to direct that energy towards ourselves. Living a life that deep, I mean like deep deep down that feels authentic to who you are sounds pretty great to me. If that sounds pretty great to you too, let’s chat.

Something else to note. I think that transitions of any magnitude hold a lot of power. Being in the midst of a huge life transition moving to Asheville, it’s like duh, but, I think there is a lot of energy held even in the smallest of transitions. Transitioning from your morning routine to your job, vice versa after a days work back to you life at home, and dare I say, entering a therapy room. With this in mind, I like to take the first couple minutes to transition us. Music has been a great tool for me, so I encourage you to find a song you love and use that to calm the body and mind. With an emphasis on transition, we can find how we are feeling and live less in our heads and more in our heart.